- Flowers
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- Deluxe Market Bouquet
Deluxe Market Bouquet
per item
Our Deluxe Market Bouquets are hand gathered and arranged just for you! Each hand-tied bouquet consists of a full bunch of our best offerings from the field (twice as many as our Classic Market Bouquet!). Perfect for gifting!
*Flower varieties will vary from what is pictured.
Commonly Asked Questions:
How many stems will be in each Bouquet?
This will vary. The number of stems depends on the size of the blooms. The blooms in the bouquets will include focal, secondary and filler flowers.
How long will the flowers last?
Flowers will last 4-10 days, depending on the variety.
Can I request specific flowers or colors?
Please let us know any color preferences that you have in the notes box above and we’ll do our best to accommodate based on what is in the field. The offerings that we have change throughout the year, depending on what is in season. For that reason, we cannot guarantee specific blooms.
How do I receive my flowers?
All bouquets will be delivered to the agreed upon location/date/time. Delivery fees apply.
When and How Do I Pay?
All payments must be made prior to delivery. We accept all major credit cards, checks and online payments through Square, Zelle, and Venmo.
What should I do after I receive my flowers?
We will provide complete care instructions with your blooms.
This will vary. The number of stems depends on the size of the blooms. The blooms in the bouquets will include focal, secondary and filler flowers.
How long will the flowers last?
Flowers will last 4-10 days, depending on the variety.
Can I request specific flowers or colors?
Please let us know any color preferences that you have in the notes box above and we’ll do our best to accommodate based on what is in the field. The offerings that we have change throughout the year, depending on what is in season. For that reason, we cannot guarantee specific blooms.
How do I receive my flowers?
All bouquets will be delivered to the agreed upon location/date/time. Delivery fees apply.
When and How Do I Pay?
All payments must be made prior to delivery. We accept all major credit cards, checks and online payments through Square, Zelle, and Venmo.
What should I do after I receive my flowers?
We will provide complete care instructions with your blooms.